Friday, May 21, 2010

May 2010 Garden

It's been a while since we did a garden update, but here's what things are looking like now. We have had a dry winter season, apparently with the lowest recorded rainfall in 55 years! However, we still have had some tasty veggies to harvest for our meals, including carrots, mustard greens and herbs. Our herb patch is full with plants such as parsley, cilantro, dill, borage, basil, yarrow. Included below is a photo of the Hawaiian squash that is looking super content in our red clay soil. You can see the red leaves of some volunteer Amaranth plants growing up between the squash vines. Also, last week we harvested some potatoes we'd been growing in two experimental containers; a translucent thick plastic bag (very productive!) and a stacked bamboo container (did okay). Hooray for container gardening! We made fresh mac nut pesto to go with the taters and it was delicious.