Monday, November 17, 2008

Haiku Cottage

A couple weeks ago we moved into a little cottage in "upcountry" in a town named Haiku. Even though it is called "upcountry" we are at a lot lower elevation and only about ten minutes drive to the ocean. The weather is much warmer and more humid but there seems to almost always be a good cool ocean breeze blowing. Pretty darn close to perfect weather, hate to admit, but it's true! Oh yeah, and there are a lot of rainbows from all the little sun-showers we get around here.

Russell's acoustic guitar finally made it here so we have a bit of entertainment now. But we really need another instrument, so we can play together. A ukulele, another acoustic guitar or a xylophone/glockenspiel would be awesome! So, everybody pray to the Thriftstore gods for us that we find one soon!

The best part about our cottage is the screen porch and deck. Here is a view looking out onto the deck. A bit sparse right now, but hey, we just moved across the country and across the Pacific Ocean. . . we don't have any furniture yet!

The first week we decided to camp-out inside. When else can you pitch a tent inside?!
It felt strangely like an art installation to us both, something about the blank white walls and nice bamboo wood flooring maybe? Oh yeah, and fancy spot-lighting. . .

We also have a "pet". Check out this awesome, very large, lizard. It looks like the Anole lizards we have in Florida except it is really really bright green.

This lizard lived on our bathroom mirror for two and a half days and then "disappeared". We are hoping it found a way back outside. . .

This weekend we planted a garden. The family who owns the cottage and lives on the other side of the property had some extra vegetable plant starts and offered them to us to plant in an area they had started tilling up last month. The soil is really really dry and we aren't sure if anything will actually grow. But, with the poor availability of fresh and local organic produce at an affordable price, it's worth giving it a try!

We planted tomatoes, jalepeno peppers, bunching onions, basil, rainbow chard, kale and calendula.

There are a number of Avocado trees in the yard around our cottage, not to mention clumping bamboo, which sounds great with the constantly blowing wind, (once we got used to all the creaks and moans it makes!) This weekend russell decided to use some of his monkey instincts(and skills) and pick us a couple of avocado fruits. . .

Our house-warming pizza! It looks fabulous, but sadly, we forgot to oil the new pizza stone and the crust stuck quite a bit. We have already tried again, but this one looks the best. . .