Monday, July 12, 2010

The Endless Mountains & Ricketts Glen State Park, PA

We went to the mainland last month for a quick visit in Florida and then headed up to PA for our friends' wedding out in the country, about 3 hours west of Philadelphia. It was located in Lopez, PA in the Endless Mountains region. A very rural setting and that was peaceful and green. The wedding itself was incredible because it involved an amazing amount of beautiful hand-made aspects. Everything from the home-brewed Mead that we all toasted to the occasion, to the hand-made felt flower bouquets that garnished the dinner tables; it was all very sincere and full of thoughtfulness. Russell got to film part of the ceremony with Brendan's old Super-8 camera. The camera looked pretty good with the hat and vest. . . he and Brendan were the only 2 guys with vests at the wedding.

Over the weekend, we also went on a beautiful hike along the Falls Trail at Ricketts Glen State Park. The trail meandered along a gently flowing creek and eventually passed by over a dozen lovely waterfalls.

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