Monday, September 19, 2011

Hawaiian Vacation

A few weekends ago we made the drive over towards Hana for a bit of a Hawaiian (stay)cation at lovely, tropical Wai' anapanapa state park. This is our tourist beach photo.

We camped and hiked and swam. It was wonderful just to get away for a couple of days. First time I've spent the night away from "home" in over a year! Yikes, that's got to change!

The view from our camp "kitchen".


Very lovely Pandanas/Hala/Screwpine forest that we found along the shoreline trail.

There was a cool lava tube cave that was accessible right beside the black sand beach where we went swimming. The water was perfect there, almost magical.

There were also some caves set a little more inland that had shallow pools.

Lots of black lava rock, sea arches, blowholes and tropical plants. Perfect ingredients for a Hawaiian vacation!